
Ok, so I probably should not have left a message with their emergency answering service, but they did then call me back. I am sure they would have called me this evening, but maybe I got called one bump earlier on the list? I’m not this guy, this freaked out demander of information guy, but it turns out I feel protective of my spawn even before they can properly be considered spawn.

26 eggs. 25 mature. 19 embryos.

13 to IVF – 8 fertilized. Solving the “can Pea and my gametes combine if given the chance?” question.

12 to ICSI – 11 fertilized (ICSI rates are always better).

I’m so relieved I could vomit, but then that would have me worrying about OHSS (which has yet to rear its head, I feel better than yesterday and I didn’t feel that bad yesterday).

3 thoughts on “fertilized

  1. Turia

    Best possible news! One day at a time, as you say, but today was a GOOD day. And good for you for harassing them. Sometimes they drop the ball (I’ve had this happen twice- once with “how many embryos did we freeze” and once with the beta result, and it sucks beyond reason) and that’s just not ok. Glad you pushed them.

    1. labmonkeyftw Post author

      It was a good day! Even if the majority of it was spent wailing “why haven’t they called!” to poor Pea. The two times I’ve harassed them, it’s been clear that they have not forgotten, but that they are ok with disseminating information at 6 pm. The last time was for the trigger timing, where they told me at 5:21 that I had to take a ganirilex shot between 5 and 6 pm. Luckily I’d done my trigger info session a day early, and had known to have it on me, otherwise I would have been an hour from home with not enough time to get there. I’ll jump when they say jump, but it’s not ideal.


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